CelJaded Top 20: Video Game Surprises (Part 2)
Buckle up and get ready for the final ten titles in this list of CelJaded's top 20 video game surprises.
CelJaded Top 20: Video Game Surprises (Part 1)
Like a toaster in the tub; some games just catch you by surprise! This is part 1 of a brand new list that explores CelJaded's top 20 video game surprises- titles that, for some reason, I didn't expect to be as good as they turned out to be.
CelJaded Top 20: Video Game Disappointments (Part 2)
Collecting the final ten entries, this is part 2 of the detailed mega-list featuring CelJaded's top 20 video game disappointments. Enough time wasted, let's get straight back to it!
CelJaded Top 20: Video Game Disappointments (Part 1)
Whether it's a direct result of hype or just a very shoddy product from a team that should have known better, a video game disappointment cuts like steel. This first of a two part post collects entries #20-#11 of CelJaded's most disappointing games.
Review: Ben Prunty Albums
Ben Prunty shot to recognition after producing audio for the hit PC game FTL and since I own his entire album collection up to this point (spoiler: they’re rather good!) I’d like to share my thoughts on each one and talk a little bit about why I like them and why you might too.
The 16-bit Era
The fourth generation of home video game consoles would constitute somewhat of a golden period in my Sega-centric gaming history. Like many moments though, I always found it extremely special to be part of something like this the first time around as well as rediscovering it after many years.
CelJaded Top 20: Magic: The Gathering Flavour Text
Magic: the Gathering possesses a vast catalog of different cards with different design philosophies. But one thing that all the sets have in common is some absolutely brilliant flavour text. Here's a mere twenty of my favourites.
Watch Your Flavour: Why Good Card Game Flavour Text Matters
Explore the impact of card game flavour text and discover how much theme (and fun!) can be packed into a single paragraph.
What’s to Like About Roguelikes?
In spite of its age, Rogue's legacy can still be felt in RPGs released to this very day.
Review: Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2015
Let's find out if Magic 2015 can take on Hearthstone for the emergent title of best digital card game in CelJaded's first ever review!
The 8-Bit Era
There's something about 8-bit games, isn't there? Find out what came after the Atari in this follow up to my original two posts and join me as I divulge my continuing history with video games.
Retrospective: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
For nearly three years I have tried to enjoy this game. Did I finally succeed?
Retrospective: Soulstar
Fantastic graphics, colourful level design and an excellent soundtrack are the defining features of this largely forgotten Mega CD game. Now twenty years old, how does the cult favourite Soulstar hold up?
You Have to Start Somewhere
It was a very rare sequence of events that brought me to my first contact with the world of video games and in fact, looking back now I guess it played out exactly like something you might see in a movie.